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From the vendor: Designed to meet a wide variety of vocational and technical research needs, this database provides full-text coverage for trade and industry-related periodicals for high schools, community colleges, trade institutions and the general public.
Subjects include:
Search in Spanish-language databases
From the vendor: Fuente Académica offers more than 450 scholarly journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain. All major subject areas are covered with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion and sociology. The database is updated weekly.
From the vendor: Gale OneFile: Informe Académico meets the research needs of Spanish-speaking users with a wide range of full-text Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines both from and about Latin America. Informe Académico provides quality reference material—not simply translations of English-language materials—on a powerful, easy-to-use interface configured for Spanish-speaking users, allowing researchers to analyze topics and conduct research in Spanish.
From the vendor: A unique collection of medical research and scientific journals from renowned Latin American and Spanish publishers, MedicLatina contains a complete table of contents and PDF full text for peer-reviewed medical journals in the Spanish language.
Subjects include:
These are a selection of articles and journals that focus on vocational rehabilitation, social work, or Spanish language learning for social services. Databases that focus on professional development or Spanish-language research are located at the bottom of the page.
Here is a selection of recommended articles related to Spanish-language proficiency in social services
(Full Text 1991 - Current) La revista tiene carácter pluridisciplinar: Relaciones Laborales, Mercado Laboral, Derecho del Trabajo, Contabilidad de Empresas, Trabajo Social, Servicios Sociales, Política Social, Economía Social, Estado del Bienestar...
(Full Text Feb. 1996 - Current, with a 12-month delay) Original articles for clinical social workers. Includes theory, research, and social policy issues.
(Full Text 1998 - Current, with a 12-month delay) Concerned with research, theory, policy and practice in the field of social work with children and their families.
(Full Text 1998 - Current, with a 12-month delay) Aims at a multidisciplinary approach recognizing the common ground between health and social care in the community.
(Full Text Feb. 1990 - Current, with a 12-month delay) Articles dealing with all aspects of health of professional concern to social workers, improving social work practice and extending knowledge in the field of health.
(Full Text May 1999 - Current, with an 18-month delay) Provides a unique forum for the application of current understanding of unconscious processes to social work practice with individuals, couples, families & other caretakers.
(Full text 1999 - Current, with a 12-month delay) Topics range from supported employment to psychiatric impairment, vocational training, and physical disability.
(Full Text Dec. 2000 - Current) Una revista que se interesa por el desarrollo del pensamiento social y del trabajo social contemporáneo, en particular el de América Latina, y por la difusión de conocimiento que aporte a procesos de transformación social. Se dirige a académicos, profesionales y actores de la intervención social.
(Full Text 1975 - Current, with a 12-month delay) Articles on all aspects of social work and social welfare that yield new insights into established practices, evaluate new techniques and research, examine current social problems, or provide critical analysis on problems in the profession.
(Full Text Mar. 1994 - Current, with a 12-month delay) Focuses on social work and practice-based research, evaluation and research studies contributing to knowledge about social work issues and problems.